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88 Hits for July 2023
Welcome to Thurmont First
Why is this gallery of imges called Thurmont First? I moved from Aberdeen, Scotland to Thurmont on April 7, 1960, and have thought of Thurmont as my hometown ever since. Thurmont is a town I am extremely proud of and I want people to see our town first when they visit this album.
Here you will find photos of Thurmont and our surrounding area, places and events I find interesting, our trips, and my family. This album reflects my appreciation for the Town of Thurmont, its residents, our beautiful scenery, civic organizations, and events.
Please take your time and visit all the galleries. Use the Search option at the top right to search the images by keyword.
I can be reached at john@kinnairdmemorials.com or at 301-606-9458. It is my hope you enjoy these photos. John A. Kinnaird.